Bass Drum Sticks

#1 General stick.

For medium articulation with a full sound, this stick is the most used of all my sticks.

#2 Dark articulate.

Has a shape that gets into the drum quickly and more weight to pull out the full sound.

#3 Oval

This benchmark stick has the wide surface, depth of sound, and comfort that you want for a loud or soft boom.

#4 Roll sticks.

Have enough weight to give a full sound and a felt core that helps to hide the individual beats.

#5 Roll Sticks

Have a lighter handle for some people who want to maintain the weight in the ball but not in the handle.

#6 for Power

You want loud? I use this stick to play the loudest piece in the repertoire... the Verdi Requiem.

#7 Wood with Chamois

This has a hard wood sound but with a slight softening due to the chamois. It's the hardest of all my sticks.

#8 Medium Hard

This stick has a thin coating of white felt but the wooden core comes through to give good articulation.